Teh TRUE diamond in the rough
Hmmm well since I posted this review to the WRONG movie...(Sorry Castlemania author!)
Ok my honest opinion is I loved it! I thought the heartfelt scene between Shadow and Creme was downright hilarious. Try using a piece of paper in front of the microphone when you record. It may or may not help with the scratchiness.
Also, the mouth movements were noticeably off quite a bit but I'm sure with some tweakage it could work.
I think the jokes worked very well. You have VERY good timing. I think others are so distracted by the little things that it makes the humor seem off but I loved it and trust me, I have no tolerance for lame jokes.
I've already watched it twice and I've passed around the link to several buddies of mine. Don't let a few bad comments get you down. Just keep working at this stuff! I'm sure you'll put out some great submissions in the future.